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Conditions under which dry-type transformers in operation require immediate power outages

Release Time:2022-03-14 17:41:50      Hit Count:139

What situations occur in the operation of dry-type transformers that require immediate power outage? Follow me to see.

In the following cases, the dry-type transformer needs to be powered off immediately:

1. Dry-type transformer catches fire: In this case, the dry-type transformer is to be deactivated.

2. It is found that the bushing of the dry-type transformer is seriously damaged and discharged: it is necessary to stop using it and have personnel check it.

3. The oil pillow and airway of the dry-type transformer are sprayed with oil and smoke: the power needs to be cut off immediately, and personnel should be found to check the fault.


4. There is carbon in the dry-type transformer oil, the oil color changes too much, etc.: At this time, it is necessary to stop the inspection.

5. The dry-type transformer is loud and still loud: it should be stopped to avoid the occurrence of dangerous accidents.

6. Under the conditions of normal load and cooling, the oil temperature of the dry-type transformer is abnormal and continues to rise.

If the dry-type transformer has the above symptoms during operation, it needs to be powered off. If the power is not cut off, it will be life-threatening and the dry-type transformer will be damaged.

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